Tuesday, February 10, 2009


amboi mamu nie...dah pandai nak tag aku ek....xpe la...kene ko nanti..wakakaka

The rule :
*Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below.
Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and
post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.*

The Age Of The Coming Birthday

Ayoyo…dah tua la aku…24 dah thn nie…byk bende lg yg aku blum dpt…xpe2..slow2

The Place i would like to visit

Yg nie smua org nak p…tp bile aku nak p???InsyaAllah..kalo ade rezeki..kalo dpt p aku xnak p cnie jer…aku nak uat ziarah ke sekitarnya cam dari Mekah ke Madinah, Jordan, Turki, Dubai dll…excited plak nak p…hahaha

The Favourite Place

Paling aku suke p jln2 kat mall…bukan beli pun tp saje jer sambil cuci mata…ahaks..kalo ade menarik rembat je la kan…2 pun kalo ade duit…

The Favourite Food

Nie mmg feveret aku nie….mesti kene mkn spaghetti…dlm sebulan mesti kene mkn…plh aku suke spaghetti carbonara…oh mmg sedap sbab dier sgt cheesy…aku br je lps mkn kat ikea skali ngan meatball…hahaha..

The Favourite Things

Duit mmg penting beb….ngan duit nie la bleh uat mcm2…xder org yg xsuke duit kan…aku kalo ade duit mcm2 nak uat…

Nickname I Had

Aku xde name panggilan…org panggil name aku je la….kalo kwn2 panggil aku AZAD but then kalo family lak panggil aku LEI…..2 je la nak bezakan kalo org panggil aku…kalo panggil azad aku dah tau dier 2 mesti kwn aku jer…kui3…

Name of My Love P & C

Hahaha…bile aku search kuar gamba nie….jgn slhkan aku ek…

My Hobby

All time feveret hobby adalah makan…xksh ler aper org kate…gemuk ke stocky ke..yg penting aku bleh makan…lgpun aku dah selesa ngan body aku skang….aku just kene maintain jer barat nie…mane2 aku p mesti kene makan n cr makanan sedap kat c2….

My Bad Habit

Bad habit???…semestinye tido…bende nie dah biase wak2 ambik archi dulu…sbab dulu kami nie jrg bleh tido lena…so kalo bleh tido 2 mmg btol2 mengambil peluang nyer…aku pernah tido 25 jam back-2-back…bgn mkn lapa…2 pun mkn biskut jer 5 minit pas2 smbg tido…kejis sgt…

My Wishlist

Hahaha…nie adalah aku nyer goal b4 aku 30…aku kene set up atleast 1 company…dah byk perancangan dah nie….pas2 aku dah ade 1 proposal dah..bleh anta bile2….xsaba nak keje..kumpul duit n set up company….xksh ssh dahulu yg penting senang nanti..hahaha..pakcik kayo…

bye then...

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im an architectural trainer. i dont remember why i choose this profession when my degree time and i certainly had no idea what a wonderful adventure it would become. maybe at the time it was a job that seemed safe and dignified. or maybe it was because i thought i could make a better place by giving people better public and private environments in which to dwell, work and function. maybe i dont remember....but one thing of which i am certain : I LOVE WHAT I DO.



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