Wednesday, August 27, 2008


mase 09/08/08 ari 2 klas aku under subjek Multimedia ade uat bengkel AutoCad kat bdak2 S.M.T. Bt Pht....classmate aku la keji sgt nak uat bengkel nie pas2 smua pandang aku...aku mmg dah tau....nak suh aku ngaja la 2....kejis btol bdak2 nie...nie la antara pic mase bengkel 2....

mase perasmian smua bdak2 gigih dgr ucapan....semangat 2 yg plg penting....padehal dier xtau yg aku kat belakang nie dah berdebar nak ngaja....dah la cikgu diorg nie yg uat silibus autocad....mati aku...

dah la gamba close up aku ngaja xde...kejis ajak....gamba jauh je dier ambik....kui3....aku nak la capup gak...
ceh2...bersemangat giler bdak nie..dah la tanya aku mcm2 soalan...sampai last2 aku main goreng je kat dier....nak tanya advance2...dah la aku byk lupa.....dah 1 thn tinggal daaaa.....

tp yg plg letih nak jaga bdak2 pompuan nie....lmbt sgt pick up...kene terangkan 1-1....letih aku over rall..aku berjaya menempuhi ari 2 dgn cemerlangnya....sbab aku pandai berlakon...padehal aku xreti sgt pun...kui3....k lah....bye then...

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im an architectural trainer. i dont remember why i choose this profession when my degree time and i certainly had no idea what a wonderful adventure it would become. maybe at the time it was a job that seemed safe and dignified. or maybe it was because i thought i could make a better place by giving people better public and private environments in which to dwell, work and function. maybe i dont remember....but one thing of which i am certain : I LOVE WHAT I DO.



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