Wednesday, September 10, 2008

~1 nafasku~

2, 3 ari nie mmg letih sgt....pergi ulang-alik kat sek2.....anta borang penyertaan...dah la aku byk keje lg xuat....kejis btol... selain program prasekaku gak kene handle program anak kalo ade sesape yg nak derma blwh la derma...kui3....

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im an architectural trainer. i dont remember why i choose this profession when my degree time and i certainly had no idea what a wonderful adventure it would become. maybe at the time it was a job that seemed safe and dignified. or maybe it was because i thought i could make a better place by giving people better public and private environments in which to dwell, work and function. maybe i dont remember....but one thing of which i am certain : I LOVE WHAT I DO.



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